Heanor Gate Science College

School Postcode: DCFS number:
Staff members who developed this case study: Jan Bradshaw, Rebecca Walton, Lucy Stanistreet
Email contact: jbradshaw@heanorgate.derbyshire.sch.uk , rwalton@heanorgate.derbyshire.sch.uk , lstanistreet@heanorgate.derbyshire.sch.uk
School telephone: No. on roll:
Brief pen picture of school:  

1. The Teacher CPD course Surface Mount Electronics:

Electronic circuit development:
a) Circuit diagrams/schematics
b) Final Circuit Boards
c) Program details
d) Commentary:
e) Development work undertaken at school:

2. Concept sketches for Product Development for day two:

CAD/CAM development:
Final CAD design:

3. The 3D Printer


4. Back at School - Working with your students

Development of Project Brief/outcomes
Student Outcomes:

5. Brief description on transforming student outcome into a Scheme of Work.


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Site developed by Amethyst Consultancy 2009